
Regenerative Learning Session: the Work that Reconnects

4 november 2022 • 12:30 - 14:30
What to do about the (climate) crisis? It can feel overwhelming only thinking about it, paralyzing even... Well, get your eco-axiety off the couch and pour yourself a cup of fiercelessness because there is work to do!

The ‘Work that Reconnects’ is a deep ecology practice developed by Eco-Philosopher, Joanna Macy. This practice gives you the tools to reclaim your lives, your communities, our planet, and to respond creatively to the collective crises that we face today.

Our facilitator is the awesome Martine Doppen, an active trainer in the Work that Reconnects and activist in the fields of decolonisation, climate justice and eco-feminism.

We would love to see you Friday the 4th of November through zoom and truly R-connect!

12:30 – 11:30 through zoom

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